Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Paris Update #7 - Spring Break Trip to the Baltics - Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania

 August 21, 2024

here I am, the day before the new school year starts, trying to get out another travel blog from last spring....i know i sent out one about the olympics, but i am feeling guilty about never getting this one done before that one...oh well...and the hope is that this one really will get finished and sent this week before school actually ramps up....

i am teaching 7th grade science (only😜) this year and am taking on the 7th grade team lead, at the American School of Paris....i must reiterate again how mellow this job my employers & the union stress that you should only be working 35 hours a week....and they really mean it...unless you are being paid for more time (like the lead position) is wild how much the french really focus on working to live, instead of the other way around....there are actually days that i don't take home my laptop for work...and i try really hard never to be on email after 4:30 or on the is a wild position to be in and sooooooooo very different from other schools i have worked i am enjoying my life outside of work...which is a pleasure....and i feel lucky to be able to have this gig at this time of my, living in Paris is fabulous....but enough about school....

last year during my second week of spring break, i went to visit the baltic states of estonia, latvia and lithuania, with my good friend was such an eye opening experience for me, as i unknowingly thought these countries were going to be similar to each other, but really they have their own flavor and take on life that was so cool to learn about....we were in tallin, estonia for three days, then riga, latvia for a night, because we did a 12 hour meandering bus tour of latvia to lithuania, and then three days in vilnius, lithuania....i do think we could have had a few more days in some places, but overall, it gave us a good taste of these places and who knows, maybe we will get back there some day🤷 on with the pictures....and as always, feel free to shoot questions my way if you have them....

our trip started in Tallinn, Estonia....a place known for internet access (it is a constitutional right for all Estonians) and has also become somewhat of a foodie destination....and our first night, in the rain ( a common theme for this trip), we went to a vegan place, that possibly served me one of the best meals of my was delicious....and i will say, most of meals on this trip were quite tasty, albeit, some more tasty than others....this was one of the best EVER!!!!!!

on our walk back to our hotel, we walked past the russian embassy....everywhere we went on this trip we saw flags for ukraine...ukraine is just next to these countries and they feel just how close russia is to them and wonder if what is happening in ukraine could make them was ever-present...which is not how it feels many other places around europe....

we stayed just on the edge of the old town of tallinn and there were lots of beautiful stone buildings with archways and turret type towers....and cobbled-stoned streets....

on our walking tour of the old town, we came across this musician with the statues, there were four of them, and they were part of the square and the building that surrounded it...i thought we were going to be told they were super old, but the guide was like "nah - they were built in the past 5 years"...ha!!!! it still made for a great shot though😛

as you can see, a ukranian flag is next to the estonian one....this is freedom square and at the top of the hill we climbed, you can see much of tallinn's newer sections of town...the tower in the front is a symbol of estonia's independence from the USSR...i will say that estonia experienced quite a number of independence times, but they always seemed to fall back under another entity's rule....

there are quite a few estonian-russians in estonia....they make up over 40% of the population...russian used to be taught in schools, but no longer, unless you attend a russian school in its estonian and engish...most people under the age of 30 that we met, spoke english....estonia also does not consider itself a religious fact, most estonians are atheist...but there is a huge russian orthodox church in the middle of old town....with a very famous seagull that hangs out there known as steve, who you can see in the picture....he even has his own instagram account😲

this is wendy and i at one of the overlooks of you can see, it is a traditional styled old town, with the orange tile roofs, turrets, and church was a fun place to visit and experience...

plus, tallinn has some great street art....i loved that you could get the name of the town with your overlook insta.....

another part of town with great street art is is a known for its hipster residents, food scene and colorful clapboard houses....much of the outside spaces, like the one above, were closed due to it still being chilly and rainy....

this is a last shot of the town hall center square in old town....i loved these styled buildings and we got lucky because the sun actually came out on our walk back to our quaint....

we had a great view of old town from our hotel and got this lovely shot of the didn't get dark until later at night, as it was april....even though it was still chilly...

we went outside of town one day to explore more of tallinn...we headed up towards the beach, even though it was chilly and rainy, and came across these ruins of the Pirita could walk all over them....the church had no roof or things inside, but the explanations posted around this site were complete and explained why this was here and how it had been used...

we also went to the famous TV tower, where Estonians had fought back against the USSR in 1991...they were actually having an exhibit of Gustav help bring an olympic feel to the area....

this tower had been built for the Moscow Olympics in 1980, it played an important role in Estonia's independence from the USSR, in that this was where Estonians came to make their last stand and win their independence....there was a lot of information on was an interesting visit.....

from Estonia, we took a bus to Latvia....arriving for a one night stay...luckily we had the weather on our side for the exploration of old town....we did not get a chance to go inside the buildings above, but got to hear the bells ring in the late afternoon....riga has worked quite hard to preserve its old buildings and as you can see, they are stunning....this is called the House of the Blackheads and was set up for unmarried German merchants....this is a replica of the original building, as the original one was burnt down in the 1940's...riga is recognized by UNESCO as a city known for its amazing architecture....

there is a canal that goes around the old town of Riga and spring was just starting to pop, so it was lovely to walk around in this area....

this is the freedom monument of riga...we watched a group of hare krishna's sing their way past this...i have not see hare krishnas in quite a long time, so i thought it was cool....Latvia, like Estonia, gained its independence many different times, with the last time being in 1991 with the dissolving of the USSR....

we wandered into this church, because there was a concert that was being advertised for supporting ukraine...i loved the stained glass windows, as they were not like any others i had seen before....

after one day/night in riga, we jumped a tour bus for the countryside of latvia and lithuania to get to vilnius....our first stop was about an hour outside of was memorial to the salaspils camp that had been used by the nazis as a political prisoner was not the same as a concentration camp, although people did die was used as a re-education through labor camp....this memorial was so well constructed...

there were these large concrete statues in the fields to commemorate the different groups of people who had been imprisoned here and unlike many other memorials i have been to, instead of an eternal flame, they had an eternal heartbeat playing....the latvians did a wonderful job with this memorial....

we also made a stop at a chateau on the way to vilnius, called rundale palace, and it was designed after french and english chateaus and seemed to just spring up in the middle of was wild....and had an amazing garden....

we also made it to the hill of crosses in lithuania....i had never heard of this place before researching this trip....lithuania is 94% christian and this hill has been visited by pilgrims from all over, as well as high ranking christian people, including pope john paul 2 and pope francis...

rulers of the area in the past have tried to destroy this landmark, but were not started in 1831 and was rebuilt again in 1918...when lithuania was once again declaring its had been destroyed other times, but was always restored again by locals and pilgrims.....

there are said to be over 100,000 crosses on this hill of differing sizes, many with rosary beads wrapped around was wild to see this...people have come from all over the world to leave crosses on this they have a multitude of languages and cultures represented by these crosses....

we stopped at one other spot before getting to vilnius, the old town of kaunas...but we did not see much there due to arriving so late....i loved the street art i saw though...

this is cathedral square in vilnius, which is the main square in old town and the center of this see the cathedral in the picture...we did not go in, but it was huge...and we had a lovely day to do a walking tour for the old town of this city....

this is the town hall of vilinius, where cultural and political events are hosted...we actually saw the mayor of town walking into the town hall....without guards or police or anything...this was one of the only buildings that did not have the lithuanian and ukranian flags on it...because it only had the flag for vilnius...

there is an independent republic located in vlinius called uzupis...they have "broken away" from vilnius and consider themselves to be their own is an artist's can get your passport stamped from here and the street art is incredible....

this is the constitution of the republic of has been translated into over 26 different languages, because everyone is welcome in this republic....some of the terms of this constitution include: "everyone has the right to be unique....everyone has the right to make mistakes....everyone has the right to celebrate or not celebrate their birthday" was awesome to read through this....and a cool place to wander around...

art was everywhere in the republic and shared in so many different ways....i loved the feeling this piece gave of tibet and laos....

back in the old town we found this wall that was a dedication to amazing lithuanians both past and was so and parts of written pieces and was a cool way to visually be introduced to the important people of this city....

this was the gate of of the entrances to housed a chapel called the our lady of mercy and was small and stunning inside....vilnius alone has over 25 catholic is a very religious country....

above is awesome travel partner...having one of our favorite snacks on the trip....garlic cheese is their version of garlic bread...but you dip the toasted rye bread into the melted cheese...yummy!!!!!

and here is me with the same snack, but at a different location...with of course a lithuanian beer...this place used black rye bread for dipping....tasty!!!! we had a great week in the baltics...and even though the weather did not really cooperate with us, we saw a lot of the old town and got the flavor of each capital city, plus some cool stops on the way between the cities....i enjoyed seeing this part of the world and experiencing the different flavors of foods here and the history that i didn't know before visiting!!! what a trip😎

with this update, i have now covered most of the different travel experiences i had over the 2023-24 school was a terrific travel year for me.....i have some good adventures planned for the upcoming year as well...i am hoping that i will be a bit more on it when writing the blog...whether about paris and france visits or other trips i take outside of this country....thanks for reading to the end and if you have any questions, feel free to shoot them my way...i hope you enjoyed our exploration of the baltics and here's to my future adventures this year.....

have a fab day 😎

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Paris Update #6 - Paris Olympics

 August 15, 2024

Hi all - Sorry I am going to interrupt normal Update order, but I really felt the need to get the Olympic Update out as soon as possible, as it was an amazing experience I had with old friends from both paris and around the world, new friends i met during the olympics and complete strangers, who were here to celebrate athletes from their was an incredible time....i will write another update about my spring break trip to the baltics, but really needed to get this out, so folks could see what an amazing time was had and how awesome paris was for these olympic games...i do have tickets to the paralympics as well, but it will be more of a challenge to see, as i am back at work then as well😜

if you are friends with me on facebook or instagram, the blurbs will be the same, but i have tried to use different pictures from the 18 events i attended.....there will not be as much information for every picture, but if you have a questions, please get in touch.....and i will say...if this is bucket list thing for you, consider going to idea how it will go, but for many living in the states, it is a more affordable option....i would also say start saving now....join the ticket lottery and join groups on facebook or instagram to learn about tips and tricks of making your games go as smoothly as possible.....its how i made it all work....and it was AMAZING!!!!!!!

so let's get this party for the olympics started.....i will put blurbs at the top of the pictures for each event and i apologize now for the length of this update...but it was an incredible experience and i could share so many more photos, but these are the best😎

The first picture is actually before the gmes and so was Event 1 - 🚹 Rugby 7s!!!! 🏉 So much fun & we watched the USA beat Uruguay!!!!🇺🇸 and other 14 minute games!!!Overall, getting there was smooth & easy, but getting back to the apt was a challenge & looooooong!!! Big crowds & everyone was in good spirits!!! Have woken up to rainy skies...which is a bummer for the Opening Ceremonies☹️ but we will persevere!!! Let'sGo!!!!

Event 2 - Men's Volleyball - Brazil vs Italy...and Italy caused an upset!!! Our seats were incredible!!! Brazil's and Italy's fans were intense and so into the much fun to watch!! i ended up seeing brazil quite a number of times, both men & women teams, and i have to say their fans are numerous and have such faith in their athletes...they were incredible to watch with....the only other country that out numbered them and out cheered them were the french....go figure 😜

Event 3 - AMAZING!!! Beach Volleyball🏐, at the Eiffel Tower...seeing women's usa vs canada & we won!!!!🇺🇸 plus a men's match of Italy vs Qatar....what a stunning location, the combination of a beautiful stadium & a sparkly eiffel tower!!! AND WE MADE IT ON NBC!!!! Thanks to those who have messaged who saw us!!! It was an evening we will never forget!!!!🎉🇺🇸🏐

Event #4 - women's football/soccer - Brazil 🇧🇷 vs Japan 🇯🇵 we actually got Beth a wheelchair because the stadium has a ton of stairs, which would have sucked with crutches (& she is learning to not say no to these offers) there were no handicapped seats where we were, so after a long discussion they decided to move us to the FIELD LEVEL!!! Yes, we were that close!!!! Amazing game with Japan upsetting Brazil with two goals in the last ten minutes!!! Thanks so much to the amazing Olympic Volunteers & Staff!!! You rocked our world!!!⚽️

We did have a day with no events, except for the Moulin Rouge with Sandy joining us for the fun! Show was spectacular, in a beautiful venue...we met a four time olympian in judo having a drink afterwards and Beth swapped shirts with a very excited norwegian, who loved the USA! Our ride back took us past the louvre & the olympic cauldron hovering over the city!!! Oh what a night💃🎉⭐️🎶🍾

Events 5 & 6 - Men's Water Polo!!!!🤽🏼‍♂️ hard to choose just a few pictures!!!! What an aggressive sport & I wish there was a camera underwater to see everything that actually happens below the surface!!! Whoa!!!! We watched France beat Japan, in a very close game! Then the US beat Romania! 🇺🇸 as well as, Greece beating Montenegro in penalty shots - wow!!!! And Spain beating Hungary (although the Hungarian fans beat the Spanish-they were crazy!!!!😜) Again, the volunteers & event staff were amazing!!!! It was ridiculously hot & long distances, but all-in-all an amazing day⭐️🇺🇸🤽🏼♂️

Event 7 🚺🏐 USA vs Serbia!!!! Best event we have seen!!! Went all 5 sets, with match point being challenged!!! USA WON!!!🎉🇺🇸🎉🇺🇸 crowd was electric, seats were incredible, saw family members & injured players of the team all around us!!!! Simply amazing!!! And I guess we were spotted on NBC again🎉🇺🇸🏐🚺

Event 8 - 🚺🏐🎉 it was Brazil vs Japan!!! Wow, what a match! The Brazilians are amazons and their blocks were monsters! Japan played hard and one of their team was an excellent spike-woman! Again, our seats were incredible! Plus, we had an added bonus of Clare & Tim being at the same game!!! Luck of the draw!!! More volleyball tomorrow for me!!!! 🏐🎉🎶

Event 9 - 🚹🏐 Germany vs Argentina...Germany won handedly in 3 sets...they are monsters with blocking & spiking!!! WOW!!!! Loving the venue & the if i could only get a ticket to the match between the US vs France 🚺🏐Got to see this event with Sandy!!!

Event 10 - 🚺🏹Women's Individual Archery Finals at Invalides - and the South Korean team members were incredible 🇰🇷 They were three of the four women to make it to the semi-finals....but the frenchwoman, with a lot of home town support, won bronze!!! It was so awesome to see a medal ceremony & the three women athletes take a selfie together on the podium!!! We also caught the men's road race for cycling go by before we went into the stadium....zooooooooooooom.... Sadly though, this is my last event with my partner in crime - Beth!!! Over a year and a half of planning the Olympics together! I will be going to more events the second week, but she heads back to China! thanks for a wonderful Olympic adventure & here's to LA 2028!!!!🎉⭐️🥇🥈🥉🇺🇸🚺🚹🍾

Caught the 🚺🚴🏼‍♀️ road race winner just before she made her move - front of the louvre!!! Did Olympics "stuff" with Martha Reiter Shapiro & by wandering around - Denmark House, Samsung Experience, Street Art Exhibit, Olympic Cauldron!!! Walking around Paris & soaking up the Olympic excitement!!! Paris is doing these games justice!!! Below these mostly non-sport pictures are pictures from my second week of events!!!!🥇🔥🎶🎉😎

Event 11 - 🚹🤽🏼‍♂️ Men's Waterpolo to determine quarterfinals....amazing games & the Dutch man next to me used to play, so he was teaching me the different team strategy!!! One of the best parts of the games is meeting the people around you & learning their stories🎶 japan was incredibly technical & the rest of teams were not as technical!!! They were more of attacking the man with the ball!!! Fun to see Greece win again🤽🏼‍♂️ afterwards we went to the Team Netherlands Hospitality House to watch sports, have tasty food & drinks & see some olympians!!! 2 swimmers..a man gold medalist (1/2 american, 1/2 dutch) and a woman silver medalist!!! Then it was dancing to a DJ from amsterdam!!! SO.MUCH.FUN!!! Olympic spirit is everywhere🤽🏼‍♂️🚹🚺🎉

Event 12 - Women's Volleyball 🚺🏐- Brazil vs Dominican Republic!!! Brazil was amazing in three sets!!! Incredible players!!!! Seats were way up in the stands, but could see everything that way🎉 then we hit the Visa lounge with new & old friends!!!! Got to hold the torch, watch the cauldron rise, Eiffel tower sparkle & watch american teams/athletes play!!!🇺🇸⚽️🏐🏀🤽🏼‍♀️ it was an incredible night⭐️

Event 13 - something new for me - canoe/kayak sprints!!! 🚣🏼‍♂️🚣🏼‍♀️ wow!!! What an amazingly beautiful venue & we had a fabulous day by the water outside of the city!!!!😎 grandstands were packed, especially with family members & previous competitors...i love all of the sports & their crazed fans!!! And who knew you do a canoe sprint on one knee!!! Wow!!! Would definitely go see this again!!!🎶🎉😎

Event 14 - Athletics aka Track & Field😜🏃🏻‍♀️🏃 It started with medal ceremonies from the night before!!!! Quincy Hall, K Rooms & K Moon celebrations!!! Then the 1500m semi - yay Nikki hiltz & E St Pierre for qualifying... Heptathalon at the same time...Long Jump with Tara D-W & J Moore winning medals!!!!! The 200m - K Bednarek & N Lyles (with covid) winning medals...400m hurdles - S McL-Levrone (incredible) beating the pack...100m hurdles with G Halloway & D Roberts going 1-2...and an amazing Pakistani Javelin thrower, A Nadeem setting a new Olympic Record!!!! Oh, What A Night!!!!🇺🇸⭐🎶

Event 15 - 🚺 3m springboard diving!!!! The Chinese were amazing!!! The woman who won bronze came back from 7th...but the gold medal winner could not be caught...she scored almost 30 points higher than second place!!!! Incroyable!!!!! Then made it to Champions Park to watch 🚹⚽️ finals with a lot of people!!! France lost in overtime!!! Walking to dinner a rainbow was spotted!!! What a day 🎉⭐️😎

Events 16 & 17 - women's water polo all day long!!!! i saw classification matches for 5-6-7-8th well as the bronze medal match (USA vs Dutch) and gold medal match (Spain vs Australia)....i am really loving this sport and the bronze medal match was a heart-breaker for the USA....the dutch (who are everywhere I go here at the Olympics!!!) won with a last second shot...BY THE GOALIE!!!! Disappointing for the US, but amazing sport demonstration!!! The gold game between Spain & Australia was fabulous...with the spanish goalie playing like a wall!!!! It was incredible!!! Then we were back at the visa lounge to watch women's USA soccer/football win gold!!! And to watch some of men's basketball USA vs France...WOW!!! One more day to go!!!!

Event 18 - 🚹🤽🏼‍♂️🇺🇸🥉 I got to see two more matches of men's water polo...a classification match for 5th & 6th place between Greece & Spain, as well as the bronze medal match between USA & Hungary...i am continually amazed at this intense sport...the athletes are incredible & very nice to look at😜 Greece won and secured 5th place....the USA match was super intense, but our goalie - A. Weinberg was an absolute wall!!!! During the shootout, I was stunned by Hungary...they cracked under pressure...they are usually incredible...but today was the day for the US...they played their game & won the bronze...the stadium, including me, went crazy!!!!! USA!!!! first medal for the men's team in 16 years!! i was so glad that for the last event of my olympics i got to see the USA play and WIN!!!!!!🥉

i was so bummed that this olympics came to a close!!! What an amazing adventure of meeting fans of all sports from around the world...seeing sports with friends from around the globe and just being a part of the amazing Paris 2024 experience!!! It was awesome!!!! I am going to paralympic events as well & will post highlights for those who cannot!!! it will be less events for me though, because i will be back at school, with kids starting the day of the opening ceremonies, August 28th😑 BUT all of that being summer vacation and the 2024 Paris Olympics was an event unlike any other and definitely was spectacular!!! Below is one of my favorite shots from the games that i beach volleyball....such a stunning venue and such an amazing Summer Olympics!!! Thanks Paris 2024!!!!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Hope you are enjoying your time wherever you might be and if you are headed to Paris during the next school year, please reach out, as i will be here.....thanks for reading until the end.

Have a fab day 😎